Pythonaro blog

17 March 2009

Money for Nothing, the IT version

"[...] I shoulda learned to play the Python
I shoulda learned to play them Java
Look at that geek, he's got it runnin' on the server
Man we could have some fun
And he's up there, what's that, a COM object?
Throwing code 'round but they can't do a b-tree
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin', get your laptop for free

We gotta check our registry keys
Custom deploys troubleshootin'
We gotta move these webservers
We gotta register more libraries...

(I'm sure I've seen a "proper" geek version somewhere, but google is not helping today, so I made my own...)


posted by GiacomoL @ 5:07 PM  


  • At 18/3/09 23:57, Anonymous simotrone said…

    Questa m'è piaciuta. :)

    Su cosa stai smacchinando in questo periodo?
    (Ti tocca java? O_o Ma forse t'è già toccato.)

  • At 19/3/09 11:17, Blogger GiacomoL said…

    Ma niente, e' che quando vedo la rubazza che i nostri dev sputano fuori, e che poi noi dobbiamo scervellarci per far andare... they get money for nothing, e noi abbiamo da lavura'!

    In 'sti giorni si continua con le solite cose, fatto una utility in python per uso interno, aperto le solite dozzinaie di bug, e quando torno a casa faccio i puzzle di eBoy...

  • At 19/3/09 14:43, Blogger Giulio Piancastelli said…

    I puzzle di eBoy?

  • At 19/3/09 16:31, Blogger GiacomoL said…

    Yes, Tokyo e New York


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