20 November 2009
How to demotivate your workforce
- tell them they are "high cost" compared to Egyptian, Indian or Rumanian counterparts.
- tell them that, despite the company being afloat in cash, there's no money for pay increases for the N-th year running.
- tell them that the money is "reserved to the mergers&acquisitions strategy". We don't reward our workforce, we reward our competitors; as soon as you can, please go and become one.
- tell them that "promotions with no pay increase" are perfectly normal. Same for workload increases. Imply that you should count yourself lucky to still have a job. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
- tell them that, if you don't like it, they have a choice (i.e. walking). But at the same time, "we have to get better at sharing knowledge". Sure, I'll get to that right away (not).
- give them new internal systems that don't work. When workers complain, dismiss them as whiners. Make sure there is no plan-B after The Big Go-Live. Once TBGL results in complete customer-affecting disaster, panic.
Labels: GeekDiary, imsotemptedtotagthiswiththeemployersname, personal
At 20/11/09 19:23,
Giulio Piancastelli said…
Uh oh.
I can relate about the "sharing knowledge" idiocy^H^H^H^H^H^Hissue A LOT.
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